Demonic and Fleshly Manifestations in the Church

Torben Sondergaard:

In this video, we mention that it is right now not important for us to address names of ministries or churches where we see this. We focus, rather, on what the problems are. We hope that by doing this, many out there will start recognizing all this, and will rise up against it. We don’t say any of this with a Pharisaical or anti-manifestation attitude. You who know us, know that we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, as you see in our movies: . So we’d like to make clear that we are for the work of the Holy Spirit, and we fully believe in a miracle-working God, and that people can experience God! We often see God doing amazing things! However, the Bible is very clear that we should learn to discern what is from God and what it not. The Bible is also very clear that we are called to cast out demons when that is needed.

3 thoughts on “Demonic and Fleshly Manifestations in the Church

  1. I’ve been following your posts of Torben and for some time was impressed by what I saw. I especially liked his emphasis on genuine conversion and repentance, I’ve seen so little of that in a long time. I had an unease about some of what I was observing but overruled any misgivings by choosing to see the good, after all, none of us has it all correct. But I’ve trusted so many people/ministers over the years and been badly used or let down, so this time, I decided to examine my concerns.

    1) His tongues seem delusional babble “Lah lah deh deh lah lah…”. It sounds ‘off’ or even demonic. Not a language by any stretch of the imagination.
    2) His followers all seem to have lost their individuality. Almost cult like in their starry eyed admiration of Torben.
    3) The extensive and skilful self promotion through videos.

    I did a bit of research and was blown away when I found an ex-hypnotist who knows exactly how Torben operates.

    [Removed links to nonsensical YouTube videos]

    I am so glad that having been duped by so many hucksters and charlatans over the years that this time I followed my gut and looked into what concerned me. The thing that attracted me the most was his presentations where he discusses false spirits and teachings. But in practice he does exactly what he supposedly opposes. For example, his deliverances. People open up and trust him, he lays hands on them and transfers a spirit into them, that spirit then performs a manifestation and a ‘deliverance’ occurs. It’s all deception, whether he knows that or not I don’t know. He is humble and winsome in his manner and, for people hungry to see God’s power, he is very attractive.

    Jesus warned us about the deception in the last days. I consider The Last Reformation to be a very deceptive end times cult.

  2. I’d heard about Torben for many years but never paid any attention to him. I don’t recall when I actually saw one of his videos for the first time.
    Since then I’ve seen a lot of his excellent, biblical teaching. I’ve seen his very biblical presentation of the gospel pointing to the need for genuine repentance, baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. All being needed to enter and live the effective life of a disciple of Jesus.

    I have only ONE personal disagreement with what I’ve heard Torben teaching – but it’s not something I consider to be major enough to make an issue of it. And no, I’m not a follower of Torben. I have not been drawn in by him.
    He’s just one of the very few teachers I’ve found who believes very much the same as I already did prior to hearing him. And he’s one of the very few who are actually DOING what scripture commands instead of just talking about it.

    All of the objections you express above are your personal, extremely subjective opinions – but clearly you value your own subjective feelings above the evidence of the gospel he preaches and lives.

    And you did a “bit of research”?
    What – by viewing a couple of YouTube videos created by a claimed hypnotist who says she knows how Torben operates?

    I’ve seen countless heresy hunter videos “exposing” a variety of claimed false teachers, several of which have been about Sondergaard. I have yet to see any of them that have made a genuine case to support their accusations.
    I also took time to dig deeper into several of the claims by watching full original sermon videos and not just the carefully edited excerpts provided by the heresy hunters and I found the accusations were complete lies.

    So what do I do? Believe the word of a self-proclaimed expert explaining a minister’s alleged sinister “methods”?
    Do I trust the gut feelings and subjective opinions of a man commenting on my blog who has shared opinions and theologies that I’ve considered to be questionable in previous comments he’s made?

    Or do I assess what I see and hear from Torben Sondergaard himself, and how that conforms to scripture?

    I choose to trust what conforms to scripture.

    Yes, Jesus warned about deception in the last days. That deception will lead away from the truth of scripture and not to it.

  3. Regarding anti-Sondergaard YouTube videos, I’ve even seen one “Christian ‘discernment ministry’ ” video exposing Torben that featured two beer swilling atheists who were reporting what they’d seen at one of TLR’s Kickstart weekends.

    How desperate Satan must be to disparage those who are effectively preaching the gospel and making disciples.

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