Sin, Homosexuality and salvation

I now see that discussion on the JTBTV site has turned towards the matter of sin and salvation and to what extent sin (certain types of sin in particular) will deny salvation to those who practice them.

That discussion rises out of the “homosexuality” argument that Andrew Strom raised in his last two posts. Strom depicts homosexuality almost as a “special” sin – worse than others, that attracts greater condemnation from God. He rightly points out that God views it as an abomination. He rightly points out that homosexuals will be excluded from the Kingdom of God. Both of those facts are found in categorical statements in scripture.

But in scripture that judgement isn’t exclusively applied to homosexuality. There are many other things that are described as an abomination in God’s sight. There are many other types of behaviour that are stated to exclude someone from God’s Kingdom.

So why the obsession with homosexuality? Maybe people find it easy to condemn sin that they have never entered into themselves. It’s much harder to be as dogmatic about sins that strike much closer to home. Lusting in thought is described as no different from adultery, and adulterers are also excluded from God’s kingdom. Covetousness (greed) is another thing that will deny entry into the Kingdom.

So why don’t lustful thoughts get the same attention given to condemning homosexuals? Why isn’t God reported as sending hurricanes to judge or warn lustful thinkers? Why not give the same attention to the greedy?

I want to be very clear. Continuing in ANY sin will exclude anyone from the Kingdom of God. It separates man from God just the same as it always has. If we continue in ANY sin we will be separated from God and be justly condemned. ANY sin! Even a single bite of a piece of fruit if God has forbidden it…
Thank God that He has provided a way for us to be free from sin and its effects, through His Son Jesus.

But that way doesn’t give us the license to keep sinning without penalty. Neither does it make any kind of sin less or more acceptable than others. So why give the impression that it does?

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